8 Jul 2011

Droste effect – 無限重覆的照片

Droste effect – 無限重覆的照片(http://photoblog.hk/wordpress/12950)

By Nok On July 8, 2011 · Leave a Comment

「Droste effect」,有些人命名為「時空漩渦」,一幅照片就似是無限延續與重覆,沒有盡頭。「從前有個爸爸,給兒子說故事︰「從前有個爸爸,給兒子說故事︰「從前有個爸爸,給兒子說故事︰「從前有個爸爸,給兒子說故事︰「從前有個爸爸,給兒子說故事︰「從前有個爸爸,給兒子說故事……
拉到最底,會有一個教學,說如何使用After Effects製造這種效果,不過只有英文版……

via My Modern Met


原本已為可用Photoshop CS4外掛教學 [點此] ,結果下載的內容怪怪的。(可能要用AEcs4吧)
只好跟著Flickr [原教學點此] 一步步做。只有英文教學,沒看到中文的,且原始教學有點舊,軟體及code都要更新,弄好久才用出來,在這把大致過程寫一下:

1. 先下載GIMP軟體 (Flickr教學提供的下載是舊版)
2. 再下載The Mathmap (Flickr教學提供的下載是舊版)
安裝Mathmap (下載以上的Mathmap好像會自動安裝) 
a. Copy mathmap.exe, libgsl.dll, libgslcblas.dll into the gimp plugin directory. 到:C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.0\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins
b. Copy mathmaprc and new_template.c into a new directory named:
C:\Documents and Settings\ "your-user-name" \.gimp-2.2\mathmap.)
3. 準備好要作的照片(先用Photoshop挖個洞-就是要旋轉處)
4. 開啟GIMP 到濾鏡Filters-->一般性Generic-->Mathmap-->Mathmap
5. 開啟Mathmap後在 Expression 下將原本的資料刪除,貼上 Droste Effect Code 
6. 在User Values 下調出自己要的效果, 一張圖可以有很多變化, 靠自己去try try 

網路有用成Flash, 或After Effect做的影片, 很有興趣來學學.用AE做Droste Effect影音教學檔
(via http://blog.yam.com/ycworld/article/28926474)

Apple strikes on Samsung, wants to ban the Galaxies in the US - GSMArena.com news

Apple strikes on Samsung, wants to ban the Galaxies in the US - GSMArena.com news

Apple strikes on Samsung, wants to ban the Galaxies in the US
07 July, 2011 Comments (215) Post your comment
Tags: Apple, Samsung, Misc
Apple has made the next step into the patent war against Samsung. Yesterday Apple has filed a complaint to the US International Trade Commission (USITC) requesting a ban for every Galaxy S phone in the USA.
Samsung might be dropping its latest complaint against Apple in the USA (which by the way had the same purpose - ban the iGadgets in the USA), but Apple doesn’t really care. It has just filed a counter suit in the USITC requesting to stop the import of all flavors of the first generation Galaxy S phone - Captivate, Fascinate, Infuse 4G and Galaxy S 4G, the QWERTY droids Intercept and Transform, and the Galaxy Tab and Tab 10.1.
The reason for the ban request is once again the infringement of 6 patents - 4 technical and 2 design ones.
As it seems, the patent war is nowhere near its end and we will be seeing more of these for sure. We bet everything will eventually be settled with the help of a huge amount of cash and patent exchange between the two sides.